Fusion-WoW is now LIVE!
Join us on our forums: Fusion-WoW Forums
Fusion-WoW is a Instant 80 PvP world of warcraft private server with plans for Active Arena Tournaments, Monthly events with real rewards (gift cards, ect...), and fully loaded active Battlegrounds with all spells, and abilities working as intended by Blizzard. We have been in development for about a month, and we are now going live (continually improving the server with our great development team, and user feedback) We're excited about the type of server we've created, and we hope that you are too.
General Information:
WOTLK Version 3.3.5a
Incredible starting mall
Instant 80 Blizzlike PvP Enviroment
Professionally developed server with dedicated host (located in Europe)
PvP Content:
Fully Working Arena's & Battlegrounds
PvP Oriented Quests (coming soon)
PvP Kill Streak & Reward System
PvP Rewards Vendors - Skilled, or Hard working players can achieve the best gear.
Working Spells/Abilities (continually improving/fixing as we find bugs)
Arena Ranking Ladder (coming soon)
No Custom Donation Gear EVER (Our goal is to create a Blizzlike PvP environment with balanced classes)
and much more.
Staff & Community:
Professional staff (GM's reply via tickets, and stay out of players way unless otherwise needed)
Professional Developers
Great friendly community
Dedicated Host
Location: Europe (Provides great Ping to the US as well)
100Mb/Sec Up&Down
Quad Core Processor
Fusion WoW Website
True PvP - Real Rewards. Come join us today, and show off your skills, and earn real rewards. (Amazon Gift Cards, and much more)