Hey everyone, summer is here and I decided I need something to keep myself occupied. So, I figured, why not be productive? Then I thought, what?? And that's why I'm here. I'm looking to help with any 4.0.6 private realms (preferably ones that are active). As of right now, I could be some level of GM since I don't know any C++ (but I could always learn it). I have also created/managed some websites and was an admin/moderator for a couple forums.
Send a PM my way or contact me on Skype (mr.bigglesworth32; make sure to include that you are from here and have a job offer or want to talk about a possible job!) if I can help. Thanks!
Send a PM my way or contact me on Skype (mr.bigglesworth32; make sure to include that you are from here and have a job offer or want to talk about a possible job!) if I can help. Thanks!