Hey guys,
if you want to win a Uploaded.net Premium Code you can play at my tournament.
Click here to signup: Sign up for Blacky372 Uploaded-Masters - Challonge Sign yourself up with a name like this: Charname.CharID
The tournament will start 20:00 CEST
The Tournament will only start if there are at least 16 players at 20:00 CEST.
I will observe the Final match.
Always add the Replay to the win report. It will be checked for cheating with a program.
Everything like Injecting while not having Queens selected to auto roach/stalker micro and even auto build and auto mules. If you get caught cheating you will get banned from this and every following tournament. Ill host some more tournaments in the future all with little Prizes.
If there are any problems you can add me: EU: Blacky.955
Gl hf!
if you want to win a Uploaded.net Premium Code you can play at my tournament.
Click here to signup: Sign up for Blacky372 Uploaded-Masters - Challonge Sign yourself up with a name like this: Charname.CharID
The tournament will start 20:00 CEST
The Tournament will only start if there are at least 16 players at 20:00 CEST.
I will observe the Final match.
Always add the Replay to the win report. It will be checked for cheating with a program.
Everything like Injecting while not having Queens selected to auto roach/stalker micro and even auto build and auto mules. If you get caught cheating you will get banned from this and every following tournament. Ill host some more tournaments in the future all with little Prizes.
If there are any problems you can add me: EU: Blacky.955
Gl hf!