Hi i am a full time Gamer, i have alot of free time and i really enjoy playing warcraft so i have decided to open a warcraft services Shop
Please message me with any service you require
weather it be
Leveling 1-90 or any levels in between
Honour farming
Profession farming
gear farming
gold farming
or any other wonder you can think of
Send me your requests and i will give you a price
This will all be done by hand not by either a "Bot" or "chineese Farming" i live in the uk so EU is best IP tracking may endanger US users so please use a US service :)
with this there will be no chance of you getting Banned and is safe
Prices for the time being will be given on request untill i research what Cheap but Fair prices i can give !
Stay tuned here!!
First 10 orders get a 1/3 off what off gamerscharge for the same service as they seem to be in the highest regard.
Many thanks !!:beast:
Please message me with any service you require
weather it be
Leveling 1-90 or any levels in between
Honour farming
Profession farming
gear farming
gold farming
or any other wonder you can think of
Send me your requests and i will give you a price
This will all be done by hand not by either a "Bot" or "chineese Farming" i live in the uk so EU is best IP tracking may endanger US users so please use a US service :)
with this there will be no chance of you getting Banned and is safe
Prices for the time being will be given on request untill i research what Cheap but Fair prices i can give !
Stay tuned here!!
First 10 orders get a 1/3 off what off gamerscharge for the same service as they seem to be in the highest regard.
Many thanks !!:beast: