Gold 4
76 champions
5 rune pages
Spirit guard udyr, rocket girl tristant, special forces gangplank, bird of prey anivia, angler jax, full metal rammus, mafia graves, sailor gangplank, judgement kayle, sonoran kog, raveger nocturne, high command katrina, medival twitch, augemented singed, road warrior mf, dark crystal ryze, waterloo miss fortune, grey warwick, uncle ryze, tribal ryze, forsaken olaf, commando j4, head hunter rengar.
1.3 Armour penx9
0.9 ADx9
1.7% attack speedx6
Hybrid penx9
0.59 apx6
1.4 armourx9
0.7 attack speed x9
0.25 gold x9
0.7 mr x4
21 mana at 18x9
1.2ap x9
0.6% attack speedx9
0.6 magic pen x7
Scaling mr x9
Scaling mana x9
2.6 armor penx3
2.3 adx3
1.0 gold per 10x3
2.0 life stealx3
2.0 magic penx3
1.5% move speedx3
2.0% spell vampx3
Offer below only accept paypal.
76 champions
5 rune pages
Spirit guard udyr, rocket girl tristant, special forces gangplank, bird of prey anivia, angler jax, full metal rammus, mafia graves, sailor gangplank, judgement kayle, sonoran kog, raveger nocturne, high command katrina, medival twitch, augemented singed, road warrior mf, dark crystal ryze, waterloo miss fortune, grey warwick, uncle ryze, tribal ryze, forsaken olaf, commando j4, head hunter rengar.
1.3 Armour penx9
0.9 ADx9
1.7% attack speedx6
Hybrid penx9
0.59 apx6
1.4 armourx9
0.7 attack speed x9
0.25 gold x9
0.7 mr x4
21 mana at 18x9
1.2ap x9
0.6% attack speedx9
0.6 magic pen x7
Scaling mr x9
Scaling mana x9
2.6 armor penx3
2.3 adx3
1.0 gold per 10x3
2.0 life stealx3
2.0 magic penx3
1.5% move speedx3
2.0% spell vampx3
Offer below only accept paypal.