Welcome to PkOwnage!
To see a brief video tour of the server, watch this video! (Does not cover everything.)
One of our members of the server made a brief Bandos video guide, you can also view that here
Play our Webclient here.
Downloadable Jar Client
PkOwnage is a new 317 revision server that has been released as of 12/7/2013.
Here at PkOwnage you can boss with others, we have a range of bosses such as three of the four Godwars bosses, Kalphite Queen, KBD, Jad, chaos elemental, Dagganoths along with Pest control to gain void, There are plenty of other things to do than just Pking!
We are a Pk based server with a lot more to it, There are a variety of bosses for you to kill and obtain points + items along with a few skills to help you along your way of earning GP and not to mention, Pking to your hearts content with the Player killing point system, save up and buy the untradeables and max out your bonuses or purchase a handy new special attack weapon to wipe out your opponent and monsters!
If you are to run out of gp or simply want to earn some more, you can thieve from the stalls which can be located in the general store or at the skills area, The stalls give caskets, you can open them and gain 50k. I worked it out at around 10m GP in around 20 minutes roughly.
Of course, do not fear.. you can make money just by Pking a player and selling the items you gain, depending on the goodies you get!
VPS 24/7 DDos Protected Hosting
Perfect Switches, See for yourself *Currently no video content.*
Player killing system, earn points.. cash out! - Lots to earn and trade.
Rare & valuable items gained only from the PKP store! e.g Strength amulet (t) +2 on fury stats, it's untradeable.
Safe PK system - Allows new users to get used to the PKing (Hotkeys, switching, etc) along with a fun PK area.
Boss killing system, again earn points and cash out!
Donators have two of their own areas, can choose a player title and have the ability to yell to players
Donators also have a staking box added for them to use
Shops at the general store along with a full Player Killing Point shop
Jad - Defeat Jad and gain a Kiln cape, he also rewards you 5 pestcontrol points
::skills - Herblore, Mining, Smithing, Crafting, Woodcutting, Fletching, Firemaking, Thieveing
Skilling will help to make you money and keep your bank flowing if you were to run out of items!
::commands - This will tell you every command that you as a player will need to know!
xplock/unlock in the quest tab at any time, brilliant for anything other than master
Friendly Owner, I will help you as best I can when I can when I'm not sleeping or busy!
The Media will tell you a lot more just from scrolling it all.
Starter & Home area images.
Shops are at the general store;
The safe PK portal is located at Home, opposite the Dagganoth Portal. You cannot be attacked in the bank, it is a completely safe area. Leaving the bank enters you into a Dangerous Safe PK area where you can fight users to the death with no loss and you can run all the way around the area.*
*But after this point it becomes a Multi-Way safe PK!
The Wizard will take you 90% of the places that you need to go to, speak to him to view the teleports available
Second screens, in order as of above.
Glory Teleports
Bosses/Minigames Images
Clan Chat - Lootshare is not 100%, but you will see the item that is received.