3 Mana per level glyphs
5 magic pen glyphs
Gold per 10 seals
Gold per 10 quints
Magic pen marks
End game. 2 ROA, Seraph's Embrace, Sorccer shoes, Frozen heart and banshees veil.
Early game rush the 2 gold per 10 items. Kages lucky pick and Philo stone. Then get a tear. After that start building you two ROA's
End game. Make sure to get home guard on you boots
3 Mana per level glyphs
5 magic pen glyphs
Gold per 10 seals
Gold per 10 quints
Magic pen marks

End game. 2 ROA, Seraph's Embrace, Sorccer shoes, Frozen heart and banshees veil.
Early game rush the 2 gold per 10 items. Kages lucky pick and Philo stone. Then get a tear. After that start building you two ROA's
End game. Make sure to get home guard on you boots