Hello guys.
If you are looking for League of Legends platform i want recommend you DarkCarry.
This is new platform still in progress but looks great.
So far we don't have bans, and we seems to be ud.
If someone of you want to join to our platform here is official discord: https://discord.gg/8MzMepE
Current features:
If you are looking for League of Legends platform i want recommend you DarkCarry.
This is new platform still in progress but looks great.
So far we don't have bans, and we seems to be ud.
If someone of you want to join to our platform here is official discord: https://discord.gg/8MzMepE
Current features:
- Dmg Calculator
- Lasthit / laneclear
- Minion Maker
- Name Changer
- Orbwalker
- Prediction
- Target Selector
- Annie
- Ashe
- Caitlyn
- Kalista
- Malphite
- Tristana
- Teemo
- Twitch
- Vayne
- Auto smite
- Range Indicator
- Spells Tracker
- Waypoints tracker
- Ward Jump
- Zoomhack (use it on your own risk)