Looking to sell my account. Or willing to trade it for another LoL NA account that is placed in plat +. Dont play on this one too much anymore. Lots of skins with some very rare ones and legacy, including Riot Graves, Urf the manatee (WW skin), UFO Corki (Beta) The Mighty Jax. serious offers only please. PM me on here, respond to post or you can add me on skype. x.haciv.x
Silver 2
5 Rune Pages (lot of runes)
877 normal wins
146/291 ranked
Akali - Crimson Akali
Golden Alistar
Unchained Alistar
Pharoah Amumu
Almost Prom King Amumu
Bird of Prey Anivia
Reverse Annie
Queen Ashe
Amethyst Ashe
Sheriff Caitlyn
Safari Caitlyn
Nightmare Cho'Gath
UFO Corki
Mr. Mundoverse
Nottingham Ezreal
Frosted Ezreal
Spectral Fiddlesticks
Spooky Gangplank
Sanquine Garen
Dreadknight Garen
Riot Graves (PAX)
Nightblade Irelia
Dragon Slayer Javan IV
The Mighty Jax
Traditional Karma
Phantom Karthus
Deep One Kassadin
Harbringer Kassadin
High Command Katarina
Viridian Kayle
Unmasked Kayle
Battleborn Kayle
Judgement Kayle
Deadly Kennen
Sonoran Kog'Maw
Valkyrie Leona
Commando Lux
Assassin Master Yi
Chosen Master Yi
Ionia Master Yi
Samurai Yi
Cowgirl Miss fortune
Dragon Knight Mordekaiser
lord Mordekaiser
Exiled Morgana
Galactic Nasus
Leopard Nidalee
French Maid Nidalee
Pharoah Nidalee
Void Nocturne
Ravager Nocturne
Forsaken Olaf
Myrmidon Pantheon
Noxus Poppy
Battle Regalia Poppy
Royal Shaco
Frozen Shen
Yellow Jacket Shen
Hextech Sion
Spectacular Sivir
Bloodstone Taric
Badger Teemo
Riot girl Tristana
Fire Fighter Tristana
Lil' Slugger Trundle
Traditional Trundle
Highland Tryndamere
King Tryndamere
Demonblade Tryndamere
Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate
Primal Udyr
Aristocrat Vayne
White Mage Veigar
Veigar Greybeard
Bad Santa Veigar
Count Vladimir
Urf the manatee (urfwick)
Tundra hunter Warwick
Firefang Warwick
Viscero Xin Zhao
If you want anymore pictures of any of the skins, just post here and I'll upload one. Thanks!
---------- Post added at 08:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:16 PM ----------
Will post pictures of some skins when I get home. Also have it for sale on sythe. You can add me on skype and I can screen share to show anything needed.
Silver 2
5 Rune Pages (lot of runes)
877 normal wins
146/291 ranked
Akali - Crimson Akali
Golden Alistar
Unchained Alistar
Pharoah Amumu
Almost Prom King Amumu
Bird of Prey Anivia
Reverse Annie
Queen Ashe
Amethyst Ashe
Sheriff Caitlyn
Safari Caitlyn
Nightmare Cho'Gath
UFO Corki
Mr. Mundoverse
Nottingham Ezreal
Frosted Ezreal
Spectral Fiddlesticks
Spooky Gangplank
Sanquine Garen
Dreadknight Garen
Riot Graves (PAX)
Nightblade Irelia
Dragon Slayer Javan IV
The Mighty Jax
Traditional Karma
Phantom Karthus
Deep One Kassadin
Harbringer Kassadin
High Command Katarina
Viridian Kayle
Unmasked Kayle
Battleborn Kayle
Judgement Kayle
Deadly Kennen
Sonoran Kog'Maw
Valkyrie Leona
Commando Lux
Assassin Master Yi
Chosen Master Yi
Ionia Master Yi
Samurai Yi
Cowgirl Miss fortune
Dragon Knight Mordekaiser
lord Mordekaiser
Exiled Morgana
Galactic Nasus
Leopard Nidalee
French Maid Nidalee
Pharoah Nidalee
Void Nocturne
Ravager Nocturne
Forsaken Olaf
Myrmidon Pantheon
Noxus Poppy
Battle Regalia Poppy
Royal Shaco
Frozen Shen
Yellow Jacket Shen
Hextech Sion
Spectacular Sivir
Bloodstone Taric
Badger Teemo
Riot girl Tristana
Fire Fighter Tristana
Lil' Slugger Trundle
Traditional Trundle
Highland Tryndamere
King Tryndamere
Demonblade Tryndamere
Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate
Primal Udyr
Aristocrat Vayne
White Mage Veigar
Veigar Greybeard
Bad Santa Veigar
Count Vladimir
Urf the manatee (urfwick)
Tundra hunter Warwick
Firefang Warwick
Viscero Xin Zhao
If you want anymore pictures of any of the skins, just post here and I'll upload one. Thanks!
---------- Post added at 08:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:16 PM ----------
Will post pictures of some skins when I get home. Also have it for sale on sythe. You can add me on skype and I can screen share to show anything needed.