SIZE: 1.81 GB Packed.
About 4 GB Unpacked.
Hello there guys. I started hosting Dekaron Ultra a long time ago. It was the very first NON CHINESE p server.
It was doing really good, there was about 8000 accounts, and the avg player amount was at 450ish+ players at the same time 7 days a week.
There was a Raid 0 Partition problem, and all the 4 years of work got lost. I decided to start from zero again.
If you would like to become a DEV, here are the basic requirements:
Any of the below technologies is a big +. We had a domain, but I closed it since I abandoned the project.
ASM << Most important of all.
Editing CSV's.
C# or VB or C++
SQL (currently using mssq 2000 spy)
PHP / ASP.NET (c#) For the future.
This is how you get into Dekaron Ultra Server:
1) - Download All the 4 parts of the client. (4 Parts of 500 MB, 2 Gb total)
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
**Please note, in the future I will be uploading a full part client, rather than splitting it.
2)- Download Winrar (extractor) If you don't already have it.
Winrar Link:
3)- Now, Double Click on Part 1, Extract the files.
4)- Once the extraction is done, click on Dekaron Ultra, to start the game.
5)- Create an account inside of the Dekaron Ultra Launcher, there is no website yet.
Note that there are known glitches, but I'm working on it as fast as I can to
repair them.
WARNING.... Before you select a character, CLICK THIS PICTURE.
>>> <<<
The picture above, indicates the characters I recommend ignoring for now. They don't exist, and their skill tree is not working. They will work though, but much work
to be done.
About 4 GB Unpacked.
Hello there guys. I started hosting Dekaron Ultra a long time ago. It was the very first NON CHINESE p server.
It was doing really good, there was about 8000 accounts, and the avg player amount was at 450ish+ players at the same time 7 days a week.
There was a Raid 0 Partition problem, and all the 4 years of work got lost. I decided to start from zero again.
If you would like to become a DEV, here are the basic requirements:
Any of the below technologies is a big +. We had a domain, but I closed it since I abandoned the project.
ASM << Most important of all.
Editing CSV's.
C# or VB or C++
SQL (currently using mssq 2000 spy)
PHP / ASP.NET (c#) For the future.
1) - Download All the 4 parts of the client. (4 Parts of 500 MB, 2 Gb total)
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:
**Please note, in the future I will be uploading a full part client, rather than splitting it.
2)- Download Winrar (extractor) If you don't already have it.
Winrar Link:
3)- Now, Double Click on Part 1, Extract the files.
4)- Once the extraction is done, click on Dekaron Ultra, to start the game.
5)- Create an account inside of the Dekaron Ultra Launcher, there is no website yet.
Note that there are known glitches, but I'm working on it as fast as I can to
repair them.
WARNING.... Before you select a character, CLICK THIS PICTURE.
>>> <<<
The picture above, indicates the characters I recommend ignoring for now. They don't exist, and their skill tree is not working. They will work though, but much work
to be done.