I want to trade my steam account for a steam account with call of duty ghosts and counter strike global offensive or their cd keys.
These are my steam games:
- Counter Strike Global Offensive
- Counter Strike 1.6
- Counter Strike Condition Zero
- Counter Strike Source
- Call of Duty Black Ops II
- Natural Selection 2
- Forge
- Loadout
- NBA 2k14
- Garrys Mod
- Dota 2 (with many hours and some items)
- Left 4 Dead 2
Link: http://www.mysteamgauge.com/account?...61198054197473
Skype iandremorgado
Steam netaxen
I want to trade my steam account for a steam account with call of duty ghosts and counter strike global offensive or their cd keys.
These are my steam games:
- Counter Strike Global Offensive
- Counter Strike 1.6
- Counter Strike Condition Zero
- Counter Strike Source
- Call of Duty Black Ops II
- Natural Selection 2
- Forge
- Loadout
- NBA 2k14
- Garrys Mod
- Dota 2 (with many hours and some items)
- Left 4 Dead 2
Link: http://www.mysteamgauge.com/account?...61198054197473
Skype iandremorgado
Steam netaxen