Hi friends, Welcome to Mu Portal.
I know lots here will be happy and some will think it will be another day server - two,
Well, for those who think that the server will close within a day - two days so it's not true.
Server will server hard.
The server will be extraordinary server from the servers in the world.
The server was designed from the start to be a unique server that you enjoy the experience to have never seen!
Expo on the server is "hard" !
What is special about us?
- New commands never seen
- New systems never before
- New staff never seen before
- Quality server and no longer just a server !
- Server stored
- Martin is commercialized
- Protection against all types of attacks / Anti Hack a high level
- Anti Fact built at the highest level in Israel
In any case, hackers "We can be forgotten.
- Logs of everything that happens on the server, prevention Skamim and supervision of the players.
- Hsawh between all the characters !
Server information
Season - 3 .
EXP - 400x .
EXP Boiaifi - 600X .
Drop - 60 % .
Points to -6 - Biki train mage .
Points to - 8 - Lord , Amgi .
Shopping - tailored to serve hard
Spots - are adapted to serve - 6 ~ 9 monsters in each spot will be moving spots ( magician , Amgi thousand ) and the spots do not move ( Lbyaki , Lord ) .
Spot Gimim - Gimim fall in Lawrence at the Witches ( worms ) with a frequency of 20 % .
Gimim Kantor also fell 1-3 at a frequency of 20 % .
Shop Ristim - there is a point to our servers Ristim store .
Protections - PortBlocker, Anti-DDos, Anti-Packet, Anti-Hack, Anti-SQLI, IpLog.
Server commands
/ crew - Test Server team who is online
/ info - Lookup Player
/ infoon / off - disable or enable the command / info
/ online - checking how connected
/ add- Stat Builds time through the server
/ evo - make work 3
/ reset - Reset through the server
/ msg - server Global Post
/ goto - becoming customary player
/ post - send a message to the server in yellow *
Server systems
System Giamim
Guillem connects / disconnects it writes Global
System News ( News)
A chat log
Trade System
System buyset the Rstim
Vip Server
System monitors
The server team
Adar - Adar
Adir - Mighty
During your stay in the game will also go inspectors game .
Once someone came to control a game and he did a role as a need to monitor ,
He will Guillem !
Want to join the tens of people who know all about MuPortal before everyone else !
Join our community forums and you will experience the server a totally different way !
What are you waiting for ? !