Hey I just purchaced a private build off ring0provider and bro1 vouched him so I assumed he was trusted
[18/01/2014 2:20:18 a.m.] ###: Ring0 provider trusted?
[18/01/2014 2:20:34 a.m.] bro1: yes
After sending ring0provider the money for the cheat he gave me a file, I scanned it on virustotal, comes up with "Trojan/Win32.Ruftar"
I open it, it comes up with the menu box saying its injected and it doesn't do anything. Nothing ingame
[25/01/2014 11:49:43 p.m.] Ring0 Provider: I need to go for training. I don't vanish. If you have any problems write me and I for you will solve them.
After I found this error he says this and just logs off skype(doesn't block me)
Should I be worried or are Bro1 and Ring0 legit
[18/01/2014 2:20:18 a.m.] ###: Ring0 provider trusted?
[18/01/2014 2:20:34 a.m.] bro1: yes
After sending ring0provider the money for the cheat he gave me a file, I scanned it on virustotal, comes up with "Trojan/Win32.Ruftar"
I open it, it comes up with the menu box saying its injected and it doesn't do anything. Nothing ingame
[25/01/2014 11:49:43 p.m.] Ring0 Provider: I need to go for training. I don't vanish. If you have any problems write me and I for you will solve them.
After I found this error he says this and just logs off skype(doesn't block me)
Should I be worried or are Bro1 and Ring0 legit