Aimware - MM-DETECTED(since release), site launched by fat kids, promoted by the biggest fattie in cheatscene '4real'
leaguemode - Detected everywhere, the same shit as xc-cheats, leaked after 3 days, they changed name because they were exposed (They support almost every anticheat, although you'll be banned anyways)
xc-cheats - just like above
deadc0de - He failed with copypasting just like SHITWARE
List will be updated.
leaguemode - Detected everywhere, the same shit as xc-cheats, leaked after 3 days, they changed name because they were exposed (They support almost every anticheat, although you'll be banned anyways)
xc-cheats - just like above
deadc0de - He failed with copypasting just like SHITWARE
List will be updated.