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[Guide] Change color of your health bar.

First, you have to create the file in your hud folder.

For me, the directory is C:\Riot Games\League of Legends\RADS\solutions\lol_game_client_sln\release s\\deploy\DATA\menu\hud, but it may vary for you guys.

You will need to save it as GeneralCharacterData.ini

Here is the entire file.


MaxHealthTicks = 50
MaxHealthMicroTicks = 100
DefaultHealthPerMicroTick = 50
DefaultHealthPerTick = 200
DefaultHealthPerMegaTick = 1000

TickAlpha = 200
MicroTickAlpha = 140
MicroTickHeight = 0.5
MegaTickAlpha = 255
TickThickness = 1.0
MicroTickThickness = 1.0
MegaTickThickness = 2.0

UseCompression = 1
GoTransparent = 1

FadeTimerForHealthBar = 2.0
ZeroHealthAlpha = 225
FullHealthAlpha = 200
DefaultChampionCollisionRadius = 65.0
MPBarColor=15 93 178 255
EnergyBarColor=168 165 35 255
ShieldBarColor=155 155 155 255
OtherBarColor=155 155 155 255
MPFadeColor=0 200 255 255
EnergyFadeColor=240 240 80 255
ShieldFadeColor=255 255 255 255
OtherFadeColor=255 255 255 255
ChampionParallaxOffset = 100

BackgroundTexture = SpawnedMinionBars.tga
BackgroundLeftPixelRegion = 66 154 67 160
BackgroundMidPixelRegion = 67 154 191 160
BackgroundRightPixelRegion = 191 154 192 160

BackgroundTexture = SpawnedMinionBars.tga
BackgroundLeftPixelRegion = 66 154 67 163
BackgroundMidPixelRegion = 67 154 191 163
BackgroundRightPixelRegion = 191 154 192 163

BarTexture = SpawnedMinionBars.tga
BarPixelRegion = 67 131 191 135
TickPixelRegion = 124 155 124 155
TickPixelWidth = 1
MegaTickPixelRegion = 160 56 162 59

BarTexture = SpawnedMinionBars.tga
BarPixelRegion = 67 114 191 116
TickPixelRegion = 124 155 124 155
TickPixelWidth = 1
MegaTickPixelRegion = 124 155 124 155

; The composition of a unit information bar is still hard-coded instead of data-driven (you can't directly change the information bar's components from this INI file).
; This is a place for future improvements.

HPOnlyBackdropOffset = 0 4
HPBarStartOffset = 1 5
TimerBarStartOffset = 1 1

MidHorizontalScaling = 0.5

BackgroundColor = 132 207 132 255
HealthBarColor = 132 207 132 255
TimerBarColor = 205 205 205 255


HPOnlyBackdropOffset = 0 4
HPBarStartOffset = 1 5
TimerBarStartOffset = 1 1

MidHorizontalScaling = 0.5

BackgroundColor = 255 115 115 255
HealthBarColor = 255 115 115 255
TimerBarColor = 255 255 255 255


HPOnlyBackdropOffset = 0 4
HPBarStartOffset = 1 5
TimerBarStartOffset = 1 1

MidHorizontalScaling = 0.5

BackgroundColor = 255 115 115 255
HealthBarColor = 255 115 115 255
TimerBarColor = 255 255 255 255


HPOnlyBackdropOffset = 0 4
HPBarStartOffset = 1 5
TimerBarStartOffset = 1 1

MidHorizontalScaling = 0.5

BackgroundColor = 117 182 226 255
HealthBarColor = 117 182 226 255
TimerBarColor = 255 255 255 255


HPOnlyBackdropOffset = 0 4
HPBarStartOffset = 1 5
TimerBarStartOffset = 1 1

MidHorizontalScaling = 0.5

BackgroundColor = 220 99 255 255
HealthBarColor = 220 99 255 255
TimerBarColor = 255 255 255 255


HPOnlyBackdropOffset = 0 4
HPBarStartOffset = 1 5
TimerBarStartOffset = 1 1

MidHorizontalScaling = 0.5

BackgroundColor = 220 99 255 255
HealthBarColor = 220 99 255 255
TimerBarColor = 255 255 255 255


HPOnlyBackdropOffset = 0 4
HPBarStartOffset = 1 5
TimerBarStartOffset = 1 1

MidHorizontalScaling = 0.5

BackgroundColor = 117 182 226 255
HealthBarColor = 117 182 226 255
TimerBarColor = 255 255 255 255


HPOnlyBackdropOffset = 0 4
HPBarStartOffset = 1 5
TimerBarStartOffset = 1 1

MidHorizontalScaling = 0.5

BackgroundColor = 255 115 115 255
HealthBarColor = 255 115 115 255
TimerBarColor = 255 255 255 255


HPOnlyBackdropOffset = 0 4
HPBarStartOffset = 1 5
TimerBarStartOffset = 1 1

MidHorizontalScaling = 0.5

BackgroundColor = 255 115 115 255
HealthBarColor = 255 115 115 255
TimerBarColor = 255 255 255 255

BackgroundTexture = healthbarsDefault.tga
BackgroundLeftPixelRegion = 4 180 5 186
BackgroundMidPixelRegion = 5 180 149 186
BackgroundRightPixelRegion = 149 180 150 186

BarTexture = healthbarsDefault.tga
BarPixelRegion = 5 226 149 230
TickPixelRegion = 29 168 30 170
MegaTickPixelRegion = 29 168 30 170
TickPixelWidth = 1

BackgroundTexture = healthbarsDefault.tga
BackgroundLeftPixelRegion = 4 180 5 186
BackgroundMidPixelRegion = 5 180 149 186
BackgroundRightPixelRegion = 149 180 150 186

BarTexture = healthbarsDefault.tga
BarPixelRegion = 5 211 149 215
TickPixelRegion = 29 168 30 170
MegaTickPixelRegion = 29 168 30 170
TickPixelWidth = 1

BackgroundTexture = healthbarsDefault.tga
BackgroundLeftPixelRegion = 4 180 5 186
BackgroundMidPixelRegion = 5 180 149 186
BackgroundRightPixelRegion = 149 180 150 186

BarTexture = healthbarsDefault.tga
BarPixelRegion = 5 211 149 215
;TickPixelRegion = 0 0 0 0
TickPixelRegion = 29 168 30 170
MegaTickPixelRegion = 29 168 30 170
TickPixelWidth = 1

BackgroundTexture = healthbarsSpectator.tga
BackgroundLeftPixelRegion = 4 180 5 186
BackgroundMidPixelRegion = 5 180 149 186
BackgroundRightPixelRegion = 149 180 150 186

BarTexture = healthbarsSpectator.tga
BarPixelRegion = 5 226 149 230
TickPixelRegion = 29 168 30 170
MegaTickPixelRegion = 29 168 30 170
TickPixelWidth = 1

BackgroundTexture = healthbarsSpectator.tga
BackgroundLeftPixelRegion = 4 180 5 186
BackgroundMidPixelRegion = 5 180 149 186
BackgroundRightPixelRegion = 149 180 150 186

BarTexture = healthbarsSpectator.tga
BarPixelRegion = 5 211 149 215
TickPixelRegion = 29 168 30 170
MegaTickPixelRegion = 29 168 30 170
TickPixelWidth = 1

BackgroundTexture = healthbarsSpectator.tga
BackgroundLeftPixelRegion = 4 180 5 186
BackgroundMidPixelRegion = 5 180 149 186
BackgroundRightPixelRegion = 149 180 150 186

BarTexture = healthbarsSpectator.tga
BarPixelRegion = 5 211 149 215
TickPixelRegion = 29 168 30 170
MegaTickPixelRegion = 29 168 30 170
TickPixelWidth = 1

BackgroundTexture = healthbarsColorblind.tga
BackgroundLeftPixelRegion = 4 180 5 186
BackgroundMidPixelRegion = 5 180 149 186
BackgroundRightPixelRegion = 149 180 150 186

BarTexture = healthbarsColorblind.tga
BarPixelRegion = 5 226 149 230
TickPixelRegion = 29 168 30 170
MegaTickPixelRegion = 29 168 30 170
TickPixelWidth = 1

BackgroundTexture = healthbarsColorblind.tga
BackgroundLeftPixelRegion = 4 180 5 186
BackgroundMidPixelRegion = 5 180 149 186
BackgroundRightPixelRegion = 149 180 150 186

BarTexture = healthbarsColorblind.tga
BarPixelRegion = 5 211 149 215
TickPixelRegion = 29 168 30 170
MegaTickPixelRegion = 29 168 30 170
TickPixelWidth = 1

BackgroundTexture = healthbarsColorblind.tga
BackgroundLeftPixelRegion = 4 180 5 186
BackgroundMidPixelRegion = 5 180 149 186
BackgroundRightPixelRegion = 149 180 150 186

BarTexture = healthbarsColorblind.tga
BarPixelRegion = 5 211 149 215
TickPixelRegion = 29 168 30 170
MegaTickPixelRegion = 29 168 30 170
TickPixelWidth = 1


BarStartOffset = 1 1
BarEndOffset = -1 -1

MidHorizontalScaling = 0.44

BackgroundColor = 255 255 255 255
BarColor = 255 255 255 255
FadeColor = 255 255 255 255


BarStartOffset = 1 1
BarEndOffset = -1 -1

BackgroundColor = 255 255 255 255
BarColor = 255 255 255 255
FadeColor = 255 255 255 255


BarStartOffset = 1 1
BarEndOffset = -1 -1

PercentageOffset = 0.0 -10.0

BackgroundColor = 255 255 255 255
BarColor = 255 255 255 255
FadeColor = 255 255 255 255


BarStartOffset = 1 1
BarEndOffset = -1 -1

PercentageOffset = 0.0 -15.0
MidHorizontalScaling = 1.5

BackgroundColor = 255 255 255 255
BarColor = 255 255 255 255
FadeColor = 255 255 255 255

BackgroundTexture = healthbarsDefault.tga
BackgroundMidPixelRegion = 1 0 141 47

BackgroundTexture = healthbarsDefault.tga
BackgroundMidPixelRegion = 0 59 169 106

BackgroundTexture = healthbarsDefault.tga
BackgroundMidPixelRegion = 0 119 169 166

BackgroundTexture = healthbarsSpectator.tga
BackgroundMidPixelRegion = 1 0 141 47

BackgroundTexture = healthbarsSpectator.tga
BackgroundMidPixelRegion = 0 59 169 106

BackgroundTexture = healthbarsSpectator.tga
BackgroundMidPixelRegion = 0 119 169 166

BackgroundTexture = healthbarsColorblind.tga
BackgroundMidPixelRegion = 1 0 141 47

BackgroundTexture = healthbarsColorblind.tga
BackgroundMidPixelRegion = 0 59 169 106

BackgroundTexture = healthbarsColorblind.tga
BackgroundMidPixelRegion = 0 119 169 166

BarTexture = healthbarsDefault.tga
BarPixelRegion = 32 47 136 56
TickPixelRegion = 137 47 139 55
TickPixelWidth = 1
MegaTickPixelRegion = 137 47 139 55

BarTexture = healthbarsDefault.tga
BarPixelRegion = 32 56 136 59
TickPixelRegion = 137 56 139 58
TickPixelWidth = 1
MegaTickPixelRegion = 160 56 162 59

BarTexture = healthbarsDefault.tga
BarPixelRegion = 32 56 136 59
TickPixelRegion = 137 56 139 58
TickPixelWidth = 1
MegaTickPixelRegion = 160 56 162 59

BackgroundTexture = SpawnedMinionBars.tga
BackgroundLeftPixelRegion = 66 154 67 160
BackgroundMidPixelRegion = 67 154 172 160
BackgroundRightPixelRegion = 191 154 192 160





BackgroundTexture = OtherChatBubble.tga
BackgroundMidPixelRegion = 0 0 32 32

FontName=Arial Black


PercentageOffset = 0 0.1
HealthOffset = 31 18
PAROffset = 31 30
LoCOffset = 31 38

HealthBarColor = 0 180 0 255
HealthFadeColor = 255 0 0 255
AllShieldColor = 170 170 170 255
PhysShieldColor = 255 103 0 255
MagicShieldColor = 153 0 255 255

FadeSpeed = 0.5

LevelTextOffset = 15 34
TitleTextOffset = 75 4
ChatBubbleOffset = 0 0

PercentageOffset = 0 0.1
HealthOffset = 31 18
PAROffset = 31 30
LoCOffset = 31 38

HealthBarColor = 0 153 224 255
HealthFadeColor = 255 0 0 255
AllShieldColor = 170 170 170 255
PhysShieldColor = 255 103 0 255
MagicShieldColor = 153 0 255 255

FadeSpeed = 0.5

LevelTextOffset = 15 34
TitleTextOffset = 75 4
ChatBubbleOffset = 0 0

PercentageOffset = 0 0.1
HealthOffset = 31 18
PAROffset = 31 30
LoCOffset = 31 38

HealthBarColor = 0 153 224 255
HealthFadeColor = 255 0 0 255
AllShieldColor = 170 170 170 255
PhysShieldColor = 255 103 0 255
MagicShieldColor = 204 164 2 255

FadeSpeed = 0.5

LevelTextOffset = 15 34
TitleTextOffset = 75 4
ChatBubbleOffset = 0 0

PercentageOffset = 0 0.1
HealthOffset = 32 18
PAROffset = 32 30
LoCOffset = 31 38

HealthBarColor = 0 180 0 255
HealthFadeColor = 255 0 0 255
AllShieldColor = 170 170 170 255
PhysShieldColor = 255 103 0 255
MagicShieldColor = 153 0 255 255

FadeSpeed = 0.5

LevelTextOffset = 150 34
TitleTextOffset = 78 5
ChatBubbleOffset = 135 0

PercentageOffset = 0 0.1
HealthOffset = 32 18
PAROffset = 32 30
LoCOffset = 31 38

HealthBarColor = 0 153 224 255
HealthFadeColor = 255 0 0 255
AllShieldColor = 170 170 170 255
PhysShieldColor = 255 103 0 255
MagicShieldColor = 153 0 255 255

FadeSpeed = 0.5

LevelTextOffset = 150 34
TitleTextOffset = 78 5
ChatBubbleOffset = 135 0

PercentageOffset = 0 0.1
HealthOffset = 32 18
PAROffset = 32 30
LoCOffset = 31 38

HealthBarColor = 0 153 224 255
HealthFadeColor = 255 0 0 255
AllShieldColor = 170 170 170 255
PhysShieldColor = 255 103 0 255
MagicShieldColor = 204 164 2 255

FadeSpeed = 0.5

LevelTextOffset = 150 34
TitleTextOffset = 78 5
ChatBubbleOffset = 135 0

PercentageOffset = 0 0.1
HealthOffset = 32 19
PAROffset = 32 30
LoCOffset = 30 38

HealthBarColor = 200 30 30 255
HealthFadeColor = 255 0 0 255
AllShieldColor = 170 170 170 255
PhysShieldColor = 255 103 0 255
MagicShieldColor = 153 0 255 255

FadeSpeed = 0.5

LevelTextOffset = 150 34
TitleTextOffset = 78 5
ChatBubbleOffset = 135 0

PercentageOffset = 0 0.1
HealthOffset = 32 19
PAROffset = 32 30
LoCOffset = 30 38

HealthBarColor = 128 40 156 255
HealthFadeColor = 255 0 0 255
AllShieldColor = 170 170 170 255
PhysShieldColor = 255 103 0 255
MagicShieldColor = 153 0 255 255

FadeSpeed = 0.5

LevelTextOffset = 150 34
TitleTextOffset = 78 5
ChatBubbleOffset = 135 0

PercentageOffset = 0 0.1
HealthOffset = 32 19
PAROffset = 32 30
LoCOffset = 30 38

HealthBarColor = 200 30 30 255
HealthFadeColor = 255 0 0 255
AllShieldColor = 170 170 170 255
PhysShieldColor = 255 103 0 255
MagicShieldColor = 204 164 2 255

FadeSpeed = 0.5

LevelTextOffset = 150 34
TitleTextOffset = 78 5
ChatBubbleOffset = 135 0


ExperienceBarOffsetX = -6
ExperienceBarOffsetY = 4

ExperienceAnimatinonOffsetX = -9
ExperienceAnimatinonOffsetY = 4

LevelUpAnimationOffsetX = -6
LevelUpAnimationOffsetY = 4

LevelUpAnimationOffsetX = 130
LevelUpAnimationOffsetY = 4

LevelUpAnimationOffsetX = 130
LevelUpAnimationOffsetY = 4

The area to edit the color:


PercentageOffset = 0 0.1
HealthOffset = 31 18
PAROffset = 31 30
LoCOffset = 31 38

HealthBarColor = 100 180 444 255
HealthFadeColor = 255 0 0 255
AllShieldColor = 170 170 170 255
PhysShieldColor = 255 103 0 255
MagicShieldColor = 153 0 255 255

You can modify your own health bar colour here. You can then change your allies' health bars to a different colour in the [HealthBarChampionFriendlyDefault] section. No more losing track of where you are in team fights!

Here is the website to pick what color you want.
Use the RBG settings and set it accordingly.

The only issues I've found so far, is that it removes the names and levels on the nameplates.

If you want a yellow health bar color, just play it in colorblind mode. xD

But using this method you can have colors like pink and shit.

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