Hello folks,
here I'll post my very own CS:GO external radar which did good service for myself.
Everything on it is customizable except the entity colors (blue = friends, red = enemies).
You can fit size / position completely on your own, also the radar distance (greater distance = further view) and if either want to show or not to show friends on the radar.
You can also customize if the distance is shown from the entity to you (will be displayed as white number below the entity).
It also shows a line on the entity (when the line is pointing upwards, the entity is below you, and vice versa)
And ofcourse, in order to use it, you have to start CS:GO in borderless windowed mode (-window -noborder in launchoptions)
NOTICE: You should use filemutator in order to keep being unbanned (which is still not a 100% garantuee, but I'm using this for over 5 months now)
Here's a fancy screenshot:
Download is attached. Hf.
here I'll post my very own CS:GO external radar which did good service for myself.
Everything on it is customizable except the entity colors (blue = friends, red = enemies).
You can fit size / position completely on your own, also the radar distance (greater distance = further view) and if either want to show or not to show friends on the radar.
You can also customize if the distance is shown from the entity to you (will be displayed as white number below the entity).
It also shows a line on the entity (when the line is pointing upwards, the entity is below you, and vice versa)
And ofcourse, in order to use it, you have to start CS:GO in borderless windowed mode (-window -noborder in launchoptions)
NOTICE: You should use filemutator in order to keep being unbanned (which is still not a 100% garantuee, but I'm using this for over 5 months now)
Here's a fancy screenshot:

Download is attached. Hf.