I recently had to program the insertion sort algorithm in C, using lists and pointers.
This is what I accomplished. It's quite long, however, well commented in case someone is still looking for code to optimize, learn from it or have a good laugh at.
Feel free to suggest your ideas.
(Yes, the insert-algorithm it self can be accomplished with a lot less lines of code ;p)
This is what I accomplished. It's quite long, however, well commented in case someone is still looking for code to optimize, learn from it or have a good laugh at.
Algorithm: Insertion Sort with lists
Author: tracky@d3scene.com
Written in C
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct elem{
int value;
struct elem *next;
//Prints every item of a list
void print_list ( elem* start ) {
int i = 1;
//If start == NULL we reached the nullpointer (no more list elements)
while (start != NULL ) {
printf("Position %d\t\t Value: %d\n", i++, start->value);
start = start->next;
//Inserts a new element 'behind' the passed element.
void insert (elem *currElem, int newValue) {
elem *newElem = (elem*) malloc(sizeof(elem)); //Dynamically allocating memory for our new element
newElem->next = currElem->next; //The 'old' pointer to the next elements gets passed to our new element
newElem->value = newValue; //Sets the value of our new element
currElem->next = newElem; // And finally sets the very last pointer so the list is finished.
void insert_sort ( elem *start, int newValue) {
elem *curr, *prev;
prev = start;
curr = start;
do {
//If we reached the end of the list OR there's only one element
if ( curr->next == NULL ) {
//In case we went 'too far' we have to insert the new element to the left of our current value
if ( newValue < curr->value ) {
insert(prev, newValue );
} else {
//Otherwise we can add it to the right.
insert(curr, newValue);
//If the list is a little longer and we need to add a value to the left of our current element.
if ( curr->value > newValue && prev->value <= newValue ) {
insert(prev, newValue);
//This is only for iterating through the list, kind of recursively though.
prev = curr;
curr = curr->next;
// And we do this until there's no more elements in the passed list.
} while (curr != NULL);
// Set's everything up.
int main () {
elem *start;
start = (elem*)malloc(sizeof(elem));
start->next = NULL;
int n;
do {
printf("Insert an integer to add to the list. -1 exits the program!:\n");
scanf("%d", &n);
if (n != -1) {
insert_sort(start, n);
//In this example start is an element thus holds a value as well as a next pointer.
//If we passed 'start' to print_list instead of 'start->next' we'd also have another item
//we don't actually need.
printf("%d has been added to the list!\n", n);
} while (n != -1);
return 0;
(Yes, the insert-algorithm it self can be accomplished with a lot less lines of code ;p)