The following updates have been applied to the infraction system. This is to make it more easy, and more convenient for us, and the people who have been infracted. Duration and points have been changed accordingly as well. Please view below.
Bumping more than one in 24 hours' duration has been changed from one month to four days. It seems we have a lot of people doing this.
Inappropriate language's duration has been changed from one month, to four days as well. There are necessary curse words, than there are people who use it far too often and in an intimidating way. We will use this when someone is doing that, but if someone is insulting someone with the language, We will use the insulting members infraction.
Abusing report to moderator has been removed. We removed this because this infraction is scarcely ever used.
Shoutbox abuse has been removed. This is yet another one we rarely use. The same rules as the forum carry over into the chatbox as well. Such as Insulting members, posting warez etc.
PTC (Paid to click) sites infraction duration has been lowered to one month down from two. When someone posts surveys etc.
The duplicate entry for advertising has been removed, the remaining one's points has been lowered to two points.
Multiple accounts has been removed from the infraction system. We removed this because normally we just handle it ourselves without using the infraction system. What we will do is this;
1)If both accounts are unbanned and used for rep abuse -> Ban both accounts.
Should they create another account to dodge the ban -> Ban the new account and add +2 months on the previous, already banned account.
If both accounts are unbanned and not used for rep abuse -> ban the 'second' account (the one which is newer) and add a 7point infraction (duration: 2 months) on the main account.
Perm ban has been removed from the infraction list as we do this manually as well.
Spamming has had it's points reduced to five, down from ten. It's duration has also been lowered to two months, down from five.
Here is a picture with the changes highlighted.
