Our server seems to be the best server ever you have seen. We have High-Rate rates ( So you can grow up fast and follow a magical portals with your friends to complete raids and get items. ExecWoW want to provide for you a special server where you can play without risk of lag , disconnects , wipe , and much more. Our developer teams will create in every week a script to fix bugs. So , please, report all bugs which are you seeing.
Serve Rates
20x Xp for Kill ; 25x Quest
17x Reputation kill ; 20xquest
3x Honor
18x Item drops
17x Gold drop
Server Details
Set realmlist
patch: 2.4.3 FOREVER
Website: w w w . e x e c w o w . c o m
Serve Rates
20x Xp for Kill ; 25x Quest
17x Reputation kill ; 20xquest
3x Honor
18x Item drops
17x Gold drop
Server Details
Set realmlist
patch: 2.4.3 FOREVER
Website: w w w . e x e c w o w . c o m