Hello everyone!
I decided to sell my league of legends account!
Here are some details!
1. Silverfang Akali
2. Unchained Alistar
3. Pharaoh Amumu
4. Hextech Anivia
5. Woad Ashe
6. Zombie Brand
7. Nottingham Ezreal
8. Explorer Ezreal
9. Suprise Party Fiddlesticks
10. Headmistress Fiora
11. Fisherman Fizz
12. Spooky Gangplank
13. Oktoberfest Gragas
14. Hired Gun Graves
15. Frost Queen Janna
16. Vandal Jax
17. Traditional Karma
18. Pentakill Karthus
19. Sandstrom Katarina
20. Deadly Kennen
21. Mecha Kha'Zix
22. Deep Sea Kog'Maw
23. Glacial Malphite
23. Headhunter Master Yi
24. Mafia Miss Fortune
25. AstroNautilus
26. Pharaoh Nidalee
27. Demolisher Nunu
28. Brolaf
29. Rutchless Pantheon
30. Scarlet Hammer Poppy
31. Molten Rammus
32. Battle Bunny Riven
33. Asylum Shaco
34. Surgeon Shen
35. Lumberjack Sion
36. Sandscourge Skarner
37. Renegade Talon
38. Panda Teemo
39. Riot Girl Tristana
40. Sultan Tryndamere
41. Tango Twisted Fate
42. Kingpin Twitch
43. Black Belt Udyr
44. Giant Enemy Urgot
45. Arclight Varus
46. Aristocrat Vayne
47. Heartseeker Vayne
48. Bad Santa Veigar
49. Big Bad Warwick
50. Volcanic Wukong
51. Commando Xin Zhao
52. Pentakill Yorick
Email me if you are interested!: bussinesslol@outlook.com
I thought £150 is a decent price for this account! (we can negotiate about the price through email!)
SKYPE: Jarek9713
I decided to sell my league of legends account!
Here are some details!
1. Silverfang Akali
2. Unchained Alistar
3. Pharaoh Amumu
4. Hextech Anivia
5. Woad Ashe
6. Zombie Brand
7. Nottingham Ezreal
8. Explorer Ezreal
9. Suprise Party Fiddlesticks
10. Headmistress Fiora
11. Fisherman Fizz
12. Spooky Gangplank
13. Oktoberfest Gragas
14. Hired Gun Graves
15. Frost Queen Janna
16. Vandal Jax
17. Traditional Karma
18. Pentakill Karthus
19. Sandstrom Katarina
20. Deadly Kennen
21. Mecha Kha'Zix
22. Deep Sea Kog'Maw
23. Glacial Malphite
23. Headhunter Master Yi
24. Mafia Miss Fortune
25. AstroNautilus
26. Pharaoh Nidalee
27. Demolisher Nunu
28. Brolaf
29. Rutchless Pantheon
30. Scarlet Hammer Poppy
31. Molten Rammus
32. Battle Bunny Riven
33. Asylum Shaco
34. Surgeon Shen
35. Lumberjack Sion
36. Sandscourge Skarner
37. Renegade Talon
38. Panda Teemo
39. Riot Girl Tristana
40. Sultan Tryndamere
41. Tango Twisted Fate
42. Kingpin Twitch
43. Black Belt Udyr
44. Giant Enemy Urgot
45. Arclight Varus
46. Aristocrat Vayne
47. Heartseeker Vayne
48. Bad Santa Veigar
49. Big Bad Warwick
50. Volcanic Wukong
51. Commando Xin Zhao
52. Pentakill Yorick
Email me if you are interested!: bussinesslol@outlook.com
I thought £150 is a decent price for this account! (we can negotiate about the price through email!)
SKYPE: Jarek9713